Holiday Hostess Hints
Are you going to entertain during this holiday season? I thought I would throw out a few hints on throwing the perfect party. Enjoy!
- It is crucial to set the table properly and completely. Even if you are having a buffet, you should set the table as much as possible to make sure you are not showing your room with empty tables and a lonely centerpiece. Make sure things look finished and that every aspect of the room seems carefully considered.
- A fruit and nut tree can make a wonderful centerpiece for the holidays. Take a cone shaped piece of Styrofoam and turn it so the point is on top. Glue various nuts, small pieces of holiday foliage, holly berries and long-lasting fruits such as lady apples to fill in. Perhaps you can top the whole thing off with an ornamental pineapple (widely available at your florist).
- When creating napkin folds, leave space for a flower or twig. It’s always nice to do something like a tuxedo fold with a boutonniere placed on the lapel. Orchids are a good choice as they hold well out of water. Place a few berries in with the bloom to make it festive.
- Lighting is an integral part of any party and is even more important during the holidays. Dim the lights to create an amber glow and add color with gelled or intelligent lights, programmed with the perfect colors to suit your room and decor. Additionally you can add more light to the room by pin-spotting the table centerpieces, which will cast light onto the table and make it easier for your guests to see their food and read their menu card if you are going to use one.
- Consider doing a family-style first course, such as a tray of colorful ceviches. This allows the guests to help themselves to the different tastes of the sampler, giving the host or servers time to place the second course, rather than immediately serving a course upon the guests reaching their seats. Variety in serving and courses is always a good idea and adds a new dimension to the dining experience.
- For the holidays, use candles and a crackling fire in the fireplace if at all possible. It is a wonderful design touch as well as a functional component. It adds ambiance, light and warmth. If you have a gas fireplace, place some pine cones in the logs to add the crackle and create a wonderful pine aroma in the room. Make sure to clean the dust from the cones out after the event ends and the fireplace cools.
Have a wonderful party and drink a martini for me!