Advice & Ideas Articles

How early is too early to hire my planner?


How soon is too soon to hire a wedding planner? My wedding is two years away. We live in New Jersey but we are getting married in Dallas, Tx. Some planning has already started but I want a planner with us the whole step of the way. When should I start interviewing and when should I hire?


Rebecca Paige

Dear Rebecca:

The usual rule of thumb is that when you start the actual planning, it’s time to hire a planner.  A good planner should be involved as soon as you can bring them in, due to the fact that their assistance can be invaluable in every step of the process.  I recently had a client hire me who had already booked their venue.  The venue, needing the booking, told the client what they wanted to hear in order to get the business. When I came on board, I soon realized that the wedding they were attempting to achieve would not work in the facility they had selected.  Additionally, the venue required an unreasonably high deposit.  The client summed it all up in one sentence… “If I hadn’t hired you and had proceeded with this venue, we would have not known our wedding was going to be a disaster until the day of the event.”  Make sure your planner is involved in all of the important decisions. They can help you avoid a catastrophe and save you money along the way!

I hope this helps.
Good luck!